Please take a look at the services we provide, and when ready, fill out a guest reservation.


the brookside care center has three areas of service

  • FOOD CENTER - Providing food at no cost
  • AUTO CENTER - Providing $20 oil changes and/or free diagnostic checks
  • KIDS CLOTHING - Ages 0-18 | Providing 5 items at no cost on 1st visit

ONLINE APPointments now available for Food and Kids clothing.

to make an appointment for the auto center,
visit our guest services area AT 11607 m cIRCLE.



Kids Clothing: Mon. 10am-12pm; Wed. 6-8pm; Sat. 10am-12pm
Food Center: Mon. 10am-12pm; Saturdays 10am-12pm
Auto Center: 1st and 3rd Saturdays 9am - 12pm (appointment only)


Kid's clothing care center
remains in operation during all

regular store hours
find out more at the link below


