Brookside Staff

All Staff

Jake Bailey
Spiritual Formations Intern
Clint Bowles
Director of Kids Ministry
Holly Bowles
Elementary Coordinator
Lorinda Cantoya
Director of Engagement, Care Centeroffice: 402-895-1484 ext. 269
Sarah Clark
College Ministry
Nora Clingman
Volunteer Staff - First Impressions
Christina Dart
Women's Ministry
Jeff Dart
Lead Pastor
Jose Franco
Music Director
Julia Freeburg
Facilities Assistant, Events
Carsen Gille
High School Ministry Intern
Emily Gratopp
Kids Ministry - Elkhorn
Dylan Greer
College Ministry Intern
Vera Gustafson
Volunteer Staff - First Impressions
Terri Hall
Groups Intern
Victoria Higgins
Communications Intern
Rob Hockney
Director of Communications
Ella Hofer
Worship Intern
Mandi Hofer
Director of Groups, Guest Services, Events
Sam Hoops
Diane Jelkin
Volunteer Staff - First Impressions
Josh Klein
Pastoral and Groups Resident
Noah Krehbiel
Middle School Ministry
Cathy Maiellaro
Bev Mahr
Volunteer Staff - First Impressions
Carol Marcuzzo
Volunteer Staff - First Impressions
Susan Marquiss
Volunteer Staff - First Impressions
Kelly McGranahan
Millard Guest Services
Montgomery Miller
Kids Ministry Intern
Callista Moore
College Ministry Intern
Jared Musser
High School Ministry
Erin Nelson
Elkhorn Guest Services and Events
Lisa Peters
Finance, HR
Tayler Plank
Worship Leader
Susan Port
Graphic and Print Design
Ryan Pramberg
Youth Ministry - Elkhorn
Jason Rasmussen
Men's Ministry, Facilities Lead
Marilyn Rickley
Volunteer Staff - First Impressions
Duane Russell
Volunteer Staff - Assisted Living Campus Pastor
Juan Santos
Bilingual Campus Pastor
Evan Scheneman
Middle School Ministry Intern
David Schomer
Production Director
Peter Sobczyk
Local Impact Intern
Linda Spencer
Volunteer Staff - First Impressions
Shawn Spencer
Director of Operations
Anh Thanh
Justin Thengvall
Worship Leader
Mark Thengvall
Executive Pastor
Olivia Twedt
Communications Intern
Christy Werner
Volunteer Staff - First Impressions
Tim Wiebe
Pastor of Spiritual Formation
Jody Wikoff
Operations Supervisor - Care Center
Brad Zook
Elkhorn Campus Pastor, Care
